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James NaismithDuck-on-a-Rock. Duck-on-a-Rock was a game James Naismith played as a boy outside the one-room schoolhouse he attended. The game, combining tag and marksmanship, was played by placing a somewhat large stone (known as a "drake") upon a larger stone or a tree stump. One player would stay near the stone to guard it while other players would throw stones (known as ducks) at the drake in an attempt to knock it off of the platform. Once it was knocked off, the throwers would all rush to retrieve their ducks. If a player was tagged before returning to the throwing line with his or her duck, they became the guard. The guard could not tag anyone until he picked up a duck at his feet, nor could he chase anyone until he put the drake back up on its platform.¹ Naismith's concept of basketball evolved from his experiences playing Duck-on-a-Rock.

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